08:00 Introduction
08:15 What is well accepted in molecular genetic diagnostics in KDIGO and elsewhere.
Jaro Nagel, Weißwasser/Greifswald
08:45 Perspectives of molecular genetic diagnostics with 3rd generation sequencing.
Sebastian Ganschow, Berlin
09:15 Diversity of HLA characteristics - chimeras due to immunological necessity versus obstacles to transplant retention.
Gerald Schlaf, Halle/Saale
09:45 Coffee break
10:00 Prospects for gene therapy.
Andrea Zobel, Berlin
10:30 Prospects for Alport syndrome genetic therapy.
Oliver Groß, Göttingen
11:00 AI application in the diagnosis of rare diseases.
Annette D. Wagner, Hannover
11:30 GestaltMatcher - AI-supported prima vista diagnosis.
Peter Krawitz, Bonn
Case report: HNF1B mutation.
Mato Nagel, Weißwasser
Case report: Loeys-Dietz syndrome.
Hansjörg Rothe, Weißwasser/Leipzig
12:30 Lunch break
13:30 Pathobiochemistry and molecular genetics of complement disorders.
Peter Zipfel, Jena
14:15 Complement-targeting therapy options. Status and perspectives.
Alexander Paliege, Dresden
Case report: TMA suspicion resolved.
Clemens Krull, Berlin
15:15 Coffee break
15:45 Autoinflammatory diseases: Pathogenesis and case presentations.
Christian Stefan Haas, Rostock
Case report: persistant urinary tract infections with CRP elevation.
Mato Nagel, Weißwasser
16:30 Genetically supported therapy of lipid metabolism disorders, the broader perspective.
Winfried März, Augsburg
Phenotypes of CREB3L3 mutations.
Mato Nagel, Weißwasser
16:30 Innovative therapies for bone metabolism. Relevance for renal osteopathy?
Mato Nagel, Weißwasser
Severe osteoporosis with renotubular dysfunction.
Mato Nagel, Weißwasser
Rare case of vitamin D deficiency?
Susanne und Michel Morlot, Hannover
17:45 Summary
18:00 Farewell

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Copyright © 2005-2025 Center for Nephrology and Metabolism, Dr. Mato Nagel
Albert-Schweitzer-Ring 32, D-02943 Weißwasser, Germany, Tel.: +49-3576-287922, Fax: +49-3576-287944